

Intro ︎︎︎ About  welcome :)

Brittany Lizotte
b. 10.19.1997

s: libra m: gemini r: gemini 😬️
today’s date: 11.1.2022

The primary component in being a reader of this blog will be to understand that I am aware that I am an expert in nothing.

I have an interest however, in the components of everything.
My orientation toward the world is:
1) it can be a very scary place for a variety of reasons including
2) the american government is shit and we need to be aware of the effect of media in our lives
3) our nation’s orientation towards consumption and competition has led to the marginalization of fellow humans, the disintegration of the natural world around us, and a devaluation of relationships with ourselves, others, and the land we exist on

Outside of these outlooks which might be a bit negative, I am personally moved to reduce these effects in my own life by:
1) working for and supporting organizations that factor these components into their work,
2) developing an understanding of process, material, mechanics (understanding is low in this area), and craft
3) reducing my physical impacts on the land I occupy and hopefully my emotional and physical impacts on those I share it with

I wanted to start a blog because these can be heavy standards to walk forward with, and yet they feel essential and non-negotiable to me. As a result, I have done a lot of work to create systems in my life that promote emotional and physical sustainability, community interaction, and hopefully a bit of magic and beauty.

In speaking with a lot of friends, there is a perception that it is really difficult to change processes to enhance sustainability in one’s life. I fully agree with this assessment, and wherever possible, attempt to bring no judgment when people mention this because
1) everyday is a new one with new needs (sometimes you don’t have your reusable bottle and you really need a coffee)
2) it takes time looking into every standard of generating a product and time is very precious
3) we’ve grown up in a world that forces us to want things, usually a lot of things and really quickly, breaking down that conditioning is something we will have to face every day and that takes a lot of energy.

Sharing some of my systems will be funny, odd, and hopefully reduce the cumbersome nature of these tasks.

A bit more about me:

I am educated as a designer, video producer, and storyteller.
My art education has given me the space and confidence to ask questions about the world we live in and my own modes of consumption. It has also given me a very strong material and process awareness and friends who are extremely talented in their fields of textiles, ceramics, woodworking, photo, and engineering.

I firmly believe we all have the power to make the things we use, fix the things we can’t make, and ask for help when we can’t do either. I also think this can all be fun :)
